Tuesday, March 26, 2013

March 26, 2013

It has been a very long time since I have posted anything on here. I actually forgot all about this blog until I accidentally typed my email address into the search browser. Reading back on my past blogs are funny. It is amazing how much you can grow up in almost 3 years. Since then, I have even moved out of state on my own and started over. Which has been a great experience. I have been living in South Carolina for almost a year now and I have had so much time to think. I haven't had to deal with any drama in the year I've been here. I am, however, moving back to Alabama in a few months because I do miss my friends and family very much. Maybe I will move back here in the future, I don't know. I have met some great people here, but I just feel like I'm on more of an extended vacation than at home. I have had a year of rest from things and have grown up in many ways. That is about all that has been going on with me. I'm in my 3rd year of college now and out of highschool. (obvioulsy) No longer am I 18, I am now 21. Kinda feel lucky that I got to get out while I was younger and come a step closer into finding out who I am. Living in a area where I do not know anyone has allowed me to see what kind of person I am. By seeing how easily people talk and get along and trust me, I know that I am a good person and that I can do anything I put my mind to. One last important thing I have learned is that if you want to find out how a situation is gonna turn out, just do it. Only two things could happen, either it works or it doesnt. If it works, great! If it doesn't, well at least you learned from it and can try again. :) Well that's all for now. This is so old that I'm sure people don't read it anymore, but why not lol. Todd

Thursday, July 15, 2010

awhile: July 15, 2010

I haven't posted in awhile. I'm really just trying to let things build up. I'm steadily making a list. Once I get a nice little list going, I am going to make a 3 part blog that will be posted on a 3 day period.
For now, I'll just tell you the greatest advice I have heard for today. I heard This from my friend Andrew. "When we're too scared to face the truth, we turn to the lies. We wear the masks so no one will see our true feelings. How long will it be until we finally get fed up with letting people see only what we want them to see? Rip off the masks."

Until next time, Todd Etress

Sunday, July 4, 2010

July 4, 2010

I didnt blog yesterday. It has been very busy. But I do indeed have alot to talk about. It will have to wait until after the holiday though. I hope everyone has a great fourth of July.
Today, I have one think to say. I made a quote up. And its sooo true. "Life is like suduko. You pick one number, but you can only have it once. Then you have to move on to a different number"

Until next time, Todd Etress

Friday, July 2, 2010

I'm Shocked: July 2, 2010

Oh my freaking gosh. Okay, let me blog about my life here. Okay, I just graduated in May, but while I was in highschool, throughout my junior and senior year there was this guy. I had the biggest crush on him. And it was known. Our group of friends knew, he knew..everything. Well, I thought he was gay and I was always sure he was. Until he started dating a friend of mine which was a girl. Well, even after that I still thought he was gay but I just kinda gave up. You know, you just can't keep dreaming and hoping for something that isnt there. So in my head, I just see him as my gay acting straight friend. He was my best guy friend in highschool. We had are little fights here and there, but he always stood out over all my friends. For instance, if I had a prob, I would ask everyone but rlly only listen to his. Anyways, he came out to me. He reallly is gay. Now, of all times, I'm lost. My highschool crush, gay. Not only is he gay, but he has had a boyfriend for almost two months. And not only that, but when he gets sad about something, I talk to him about it. The fact of him being gay is amazing, but can I really say anything? I'm not a home wrecker and I'm sure if he knew that I still thought the world of him it wouldn't really change anything. And at first, he wouldn't tell me the guy he was dating. But yesterday I found out. And it made me realize that he doesn't date for looks. He must clearly date for personality. Which makes me wonder, am I a bad person? Whats wrong with me. Ugly? Annoying? Weird? idk. But if this guy makes him happy, then, thats okay with me. I just wonder why he never came out to me. I wouldn't have told anyone... Or maybe he just needed to wait till after grad for his own insanity. But it still leaves me wondering "what if" ya know. So for now, my best guy friend is now truely gay. So, I guess this is the part where I stop crushing on him and just be there as a friend. Funny thing is, I remember tlking about my boyfriends at the lunch table. I would talk loud just to be sure he would hear me lol. Hoping something would be said and he would just finally come out. Fact being that I would have dropped anyone for him in a heartbeat. Seems like almost everyone I dated, in my head, I compared them to him in some way. But as I said, it's just water under the bridge now. I should have told him sooner, but I didn't want to ruin a friendship. And I don't think I should tell him now because I don't want to ruin our friendship. So, this is where I need you guys. I have over 100 views and I only have like 5 blogs so I know someone is reading this. Just tell me, what should I do? What would you do in this situation? If you don't want to leave a comment, feel free to email me at todd172009@aol.com

Until next time, Todd Etress

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Been a Few: June 30, 2010

Sorry guys. It has been a couple days and no post. Well lst night I went and saw the midnight showing for Eclipse. It was amazing. Today, I totally nailed my Speech in speech class. I'm positive I got an A. The other day, the 29th, me and my mom got into an argument over something stupid. But thats all done and water under the bridge. Honestly, I haven't thought about what to post as a blog. I haven't thought of anything at all. But for this blog, I'm gonna update you on me. If you are a friend of mine, have you ever asked me how I am and I say something like, been better? Or fine? That is exactly how I have been the past week or so. Fine. Does anyone know what the word fine even means. To most it means well, or manageable. To me, fine means, Fucked-up, Insecure, Neurotic, and Emotional. So, now you know what I mean when I say fine. I am not dramatic, don't get me wrong, but right now, I am fine. Being single has been great. No leashes. Get to go out and do as I please without having to come up with an explanation. Don't have to deal with dumb rumors that try to jeperdize (dnt know how to spell that) your relationship. Well, this past week or so, I've realized that I don't like the single life as much as I thought. Here is the problem with the world, expecially in gay world, everything is always either drama drama drama, or sex sex sex. Why can't it just be right. great. wonderful. Maybe even almost perfect. I've always been the kind of person that laughed and the happy ending in the movies and books because I know it isn't really like that in real life. But just once, for me, I wish it could be like that. All I wish for is happiness with someone. No strings attached. Something true. Something that doesn't need money, sex, or drama to last. Something that last just by looking at eachother and knowing it will always be there. So everyone, this is what is on my mind. I want that person that fits this description. Who is he? I don't even know the answer to that question. But I know he is out there somewhere, and one day, maybe just one day, I'll find him. And everything will be great. Until then, I'm going to write..and paint..take pictures..hang with friends...listen to music..any thing that can keep me happy. And hopefully one day, maybe even sometime soon, life will introduce me to this person. Me, I have never really had a set criteria standard on the person I date. Usually, I just make sure the person isn't way bigger than me and the person has a great personalilty and is sweet. But now, I have a set criteria. I want sweetness. Real love. Someone that doesn't seem sex dependent. Someone who is into the same stuff I'm into. Someone who I can have a good time with. Someone I can trust. Someone I can have nice conversations with. Someone that I have things in common with so we can both enjoy things together. This is what I want. And it's what I deserve. And one day, this person will be mine, I will be happy. It will be my happy ending.

Until next time, Todd Etress

Monday, June 28, 2010

The surprises in life: June 28, 2010

Wow, who could have ever guessed that having a bad day could be soo much fun haha. I mean, I loved college today. For starters, the altenator on my car went out. For those of you who don't know, the altenator is what keeps the battery charged. So it went out the other day so I have been having to charge my battery everyday. However, yesterday, I did not charge it at all. When I went to leave for class this morning, it started up. I was soo happy. So I drove my happy ass to biology and sat there for 3 hours. So I get out of bio and go to my car. IT WONT START! Well, I get a friend to come and jump me off. Well, I just kinda started talking to her today, so I don't reallly know her name. But anyways, after it was running, I had a bright idea for me, her, and my new friend Gabby to go to taco bell for some food. Gabby didn't think it was a good idea, but we went anyways. It all seemed to be going fine. We were just about to pull out of taco bell, and then it died! We were on a hill so we just kinda rolled backwards into the parking space and I asked some stranger to jump us off lol. It was so funny. Then we got back to school, and went to speech class. After class, it was dead AGAIN! So, our cute friend from class, Todd, jumped me off. So I drove Gabby to her car and my car just didnt want to go. I wouldnt go no faster than 3 mph. We were laughing the whole way. I had the pedal all the way to the floor and that was as fast as it would go. And as soon as I told Gabby I had the petal mashed to the floor, the car sped forward fast lol. It was so funny. So we are laughing so hard and everyone is staring at us like wow. Well then I try to get home as fast as I can before it died. I was nervous when I saw the red light so I cut through the gas station parking lot and then back on to the highway. However, my car died and the end of my road. haha. But it's all good now, the battery is charged back up and okay for now. But it has been a really exhausting day, but very very fun.
Before I go, I'd like to ask some of you readers to post a few comments or ideas about what I should talk about in future blogs. What would you like to hear about? Do you need any advice? Interested in anything? I'm open to all ideas, thoughts, and opinions.

Until next time, Todd Etress

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Just a quick bit of advice: June 27, 2010

If you are coming out of highschool, do NOT go directly into summer term of college. If you are in college, don't go to summer term. YOU NEED THE BREAK. I soo just graduated in May, and I jumped straight into college the same week I graduated and I wish I would have taken a break. It sucks majorly. But oh well, I'll get over it. Just another mistake I learned from. But you should be glad to know that I will not be attending next summer, and I will also be finishing up college a bit early, so yay for that.
The funniest thing I have seen today was a video of an old friend, Gabe Gracien. I think everyone should view this video. It is on youtube. Gabe is the most, funniest, randomest, realistic, no whoreish gay gay i've known of. Here is the link, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tXraSEYNzg

I don't have too much too say about today. Umm, I completely about shit a brick at Jacks today. I went there to pick up lunch for the family. They pulled me up. Then I ended up walking in. I used to work there for about 7 months so I was really polite about it because I know how it gets. Well, I noticed them handing out the food I was waiting on. And I just waited haha. No big deal, right? Well, I looked at the reciept and then the clock and realized I had been standing there for 45 minutes!! I know right? I walked to the car and the ice in the drinks was melted and the milkshakes were too. So I took them back in and made them remake it. I called out the manager. I kinda showed my ass a little bit haha, but who wouldnt after waiting for fast food for 45 minutes. All in all, I got $25.00 worth of food for FREE! Yay. Other than that, I have just been working on my school work. Last minute work? yes.
One last thing before I close out tonight. This just happened. My bro and his gf was in the bathroom together. Mom was asleep. We all are not stupid. We know what they were doing. Mom wakes up and says why are yall in there together. He says, she is in the shower and im taking a shit. Well, the water doesnt cut on until after he says that lol. I hope mom really doesn't believe that. LOl. Wow, the younger generation is just ...scaryish haha. But you gotta love my mom. She tries to stay soo calm lol. She is great. And this message goes out to my new friend who I just found out keeps up with my blog. haha, You are amazing Austieee!!! *Hugs and kisses* <3

Until next time, Todd Etress